Waste Facility Permits

Quarry Restoration Waste Facility Permit Planning Permission Appropriate Assessment Natura Impact Statement

Reclamation of Agricultural Land Quarry Restoration Waste Facility Permit Planning Permission Appropriate Assessment Natura Impact Statement

Reclamation of Agricultural Land Quarry Restoration Waste Facility Permit Planning Permission Appropriate Assessment Natura Impact Statement
Waste Facility Permits, Article 27, End of Waste, Certificates of Registration and Waste Licences for Land Reclamation, Quarry Restoration and Filling of Land
Kingfisher Environmental Consultants are the Irish experts in Waste Facility Permit Applications, Certificates of Registration and Waste Licences for the reclamation of agricultural land; recontouring of land; and the restoration of quarries and sand and gravel pits; and to date we have prepared in excess of 150 Waste Permits Nationwide. We also specialise in Article 27 Notifications for By-Product Soil and End of Waste for Concrete. We provide an all in package which includes survey drawings, maps and the necessary notices and environmental reports. We also carry out site suitability studies. We work closely with farmers; landowners; developers; quarries, sand and gravel pits; plant hire contractors and large civil engineering companies.
Kingfisher Environmental Consultants helped form and establish the Soil Recovery Association (SRA) in Ireland and are lead consultants to this industry led organisation. Furthermore we were responsible for liaising with the EPA and helping draft the New EPA Waste Licence form for soil recovery facilities and also prepared the Guidance Note for this sector.
We have extensive legal and planning experience in the preparation of planning applications for new and existing soil and stone recovery facilities including Planning Permission; Appropriate Assessment; planning reports; planning submissions and appeals.
We also have extensive experience in the Licensing and Waste Permitting of C&D Recovery Facilities and Materials Recovery and Transfer Facilities (MRTF) and have helped establish from scratch some of the most successful waste recovery facilities across Ireland.
We also offer specialist Waste Management Consultancy including addressing Section 55 Notices served under the Waste Management Act 1996; Waste Collection Permit Applications; Waste Licences to the EPA;
We have specialist legal and environmental expertise with regards to the Waste Management (Facility Permit and Registration) Regulations S.I No. 821 of 2007 and the Waste Management (Facility Permit and Registration) Amendment Regulations S.I No. 86 of 2008.